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    8am - 5 pm est
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    8am - 5 pm est
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We Care About Your teeth

We sincerely believe that visiting an oral surgeon shouldn’t be a frightening or stressful experience! We provide an equally comfortable experience of relaxation for all our young and adult customers!

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We provides always our best services for our clients and always
try to achieve our client's trust and satisfaction!

Dental Implants

At Keystone oral surgery & Dental Implant Centers in Shamokin Dam PA, we’ll provide you with long lasting durable options for tooth/teeth replacement that will help you smile with confidence

Wisdom Teeth

Some wisdom teeth erupt (emerge through the gum) without causing any problems, but sometimes, wisdom teeth come through at an angle and push into the gum or the tooth beside them. This is called impaction.

Your Teeth Today

Our teeth are some of the most aesthetic components of our face, and people feel incredibly anxious when they lose even a single tooth.


The surgical team at Keystone Oral Surgery and Implant Centeris able to provide a variety of oral and facial surgical procedures including wisdom tooth removal, dental implant surgery and jaw surgery. They also can diagnose and treat facial injuries and oral pathology.